About Gallery Membership
For over fifty years, from Soho to Chelsea, Pleiades Gallery has spotlighted artistic movements and artists notable for creating work that crosses genres and borders, generational contexts and disciplines.
We seek out and welcome new members who continuously refresh our high standards and uphold and explore our vision.
Are you a Pleiades artist?
A spirit of commitment to its artists and their art has always been a cornerstone of the gallery. Throughout the year we host solo shows, curated group shows and juried shows.
Pleiades artists reflect a broad range of sensibilities from realistic to abstract and represent a diversity of styles, ages, viewpoints and mediums. Some of us have had work represented in major museums and a number have been selected to participate in competitions juried by curators of prominent institutions around the world.
Pleiades Gallery offers opportunities for both established and emerging artists.
We invite you to submit your work for consideration.
Founded in 1974, PLEIADES is an artist-run gallery, maintained by its officers and members. The officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer are elected annually by the members. The gallery’s policy allows each member artist to assume an equal share of responsibilities in a collegial and professional environment.
Located in Chelsea, New York City, PLEIADES GALLERY is one of the oldest and most successful artist-run galleries in Manhattan.
The mission of the Pleiades Gallery is to create, maintain and perpetuate a community of highly talented and committed artists, with a handsome, professional gallery for the exhibition of their works. It is the further mission of this artist-run community to:
• Provide a fresh alternative to the constraints and dictates of the commercial gallery system;
• Encourage the highest standards of imagination and creativity;
• Foster a collegial atmosphere for art discussions, explorations and debates;
• Widely publicize the Gallery’s events, news and accomplishments;
• Stimulate and stir the sensibilities of the visiting public, art lovers, collectors and critics;
• Encourage the sale of the exhibited art works.
Currently each member is entitled to a 4-week solo show (approx 100 linear ft wall space) The dates of the solo show are determined by lottery.
Members may have one solo show approximately every 18 -24 months. (Depending on membership numbers) Artists exhibiting in a solo show are encouraged to seek advice from the Gallery’s Exhibition Committee. Dues must be current at time of show and new members who have a solo show before the end of 12 months must be paid up through 12 months.