Pleiades Invites Submissions for
the 28th Annual Friends of Pleiades Exhibition
on view December 26, 2024 - January 17, 2025
Reception Saturday, January 4, 3-6 pm
TO ENSURE YOUR PLACE IN THE INVITATIONAL SHOW, please e-mail Ellen Bradshaw at ebradshaw2@nyc.rr.com that you wish to be in the show. Then send to Ellen Bradshaw, 100 Beekman St. Apt 25N, New York, NY 10038 before November 10th the title of each piece that you plan to enter into the show, together with the dimensions, JPEG image, and a check for $485 made to “Pleiades Gallery of Contemporary Art.” Please send to Ellen images of the artworks you are entering.
If you prefer PayPal, use “Send to a Friend” option only to ebradshaw2@nyc.rr.com. Also include full contact info –name, address, phone, email.
Friday Dec 20 from 11am-5pm or Saturday Dec 21st from 11-5. Please bring resume, photos, or other promotional materials mounted in plastic sleeves to fit in a three ring binder, which will be on the desk during the show.
If unable to hand-deliver your work, contact Mari Winterdale for shipping. She will work with you on shipping, unpacking, repacking and return of artwork, You must include a prepaid coded return label with your shipped artwork. Mari’s fee is $100. Contact: Mari Winterdale m.winterdale@icloud.com
Saturday Jan 18th from 11-5 or Sunday Jan 19th from 11-5. Please note: Gallery hours are Tuesday through Saturday 12pm to 6pm. The outside door will be locked during pick-up on Sunday - you must call cell phone of sitter (to be determined) to announce you are downstairs.
Artwork should be fully prepared, wired for safe hanging and must meet professional standards (no saw tooth hangers) or will not be installed. All work must be available for the duration of the exhibition. We have some pedestals for sculptures.
Fill out a label (provided) with name, title, medium, and price, for each piece of work. Attach with tape to front and back of each artwork.
THERE WILL BE APPROXIMATELY 6 HORIZONTAL FEET OF WALL SPACE FOR EACH ARTIST (allow for breathing space between works). Maximum size 48" horizontally for each work on the wall. It is Pleiades policy to NOT hang salon style stacked pieces, unless the pieces are small and part of a larger unit, at the discretion of the hanging committee. Works under glass only if hand delivered! If shipping work -plexiglass ONLY!
FOP fee includes advertising; Art in America listing, Landmark Bldg Gallery Guide, Gallery e-mail/e-vite, postcards, reception, and all gallery sitting.
Pleiades does not take a percentage on sale of artworks, and sales, negotiations and shipping arrangements are made directly between artist and customer only. PLEIADES will take every possible care of all artwork and assumes no responsibility for loss or damage.
Pleiades Announces an Open Call for Gallery Artists!
Pleiades artists reflect a broad range of sensibilities from realistic to abstract and represent a diversity of styles, ages, viewpoints and mediums. Some have had work represented in major museums and others have been selected to participate in competitions juried by curators of prominent institutions around the world.
Pleiades is governed and operated by its artist members, who meet on the first Sunday of every month. We seek out and welcome new members who continuously refresh our high standards and uphold and explore our vision. Pleiades Gallery offers opportunities for both established and emerging artists.
Members are expected to be actively involved in committee work and to volunteer for projects that come up.
Once accepted, a member pays an initiation fee of $500 plus their first monthly membership fee. Pleiades offers two levels of membership fees. An active member is one who takes on a gallery job and also fulfills four workdays per season, and pays $210 per month. A less active member has no gallery job, but does fulfill 4 work days per season. He or she pays $260 per month. Members who do not fulfill their four workdays per season must pay $100 per day missed.
Pleiades Gallery does not charge any commission on sales. All sales are handled and arranged directly by the artist.
A new member can expect to have a solo exhibition within 24 months of the initiation of membership. Solo shows last four weeks and are determined annually through a lottery held at a members meeting.
New members can also expect to participate in at least one additional group show per year.
In addition to the benefits of being represented by an art gallery in Chelsea New York, all members have a web presence on the Pleiades site which links directly to their own websites.
Applications and artworks are screened on the 1st Sunday of each month except for July and August. All members present at our regular meeting will review and judge potential candidates whether or not there is a current opening available.
If you are a permanent, full-time resident of the United States and would like to apply for membership, please complete the form below, to submit your work for consideration.
Application for Membership
Interested in becoming a member of our well-established Chelsea Gallery?
Fill out the application below and we’ll be in touch shortly!
PLEASE NOTE: We do not accept applications from artists living in foreign countries. All prospective members must be permanent residents of the United States.